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What You Need to Know about Breast Augmentation

Overview A breast augmentation is a procedure done to enlarge your breasts by one or more cup sizes and enhance their shape.
Also Known As This type of procedure is sometimes referred to as breast enhancement, breast implants, mammoplasty, or boob job.
The Ideal Candidate Women who want to increase the size of their breasts, make them appear fuller, or address asymmetries.
Target Areas Breasts
Average Cost $7,700 – $15,500 + HST
  • 1-2 weeks off work
  • 6-8 weeks without strenuous exercise
A breast augmentation is a procedure done to enlarge your breasts by one or more cup sizes and enhance their shape.
The Ideal Candidate
Women who want to increase the size of their breasts, make them appear fuller, or address asymmetries.
Target Areas
Average Cost
  • 1-2 weeks off work
  • 6-8 weeks without strenuous exercise

Find Out If a Breast Augmentation Will Be Right for You

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What Is a Breast Augmentation?

A breast augmentation is a procedure that is done to enlarge a woman’s breasts and enhance their shape. This is done by placing implants underneath the chest wall muscle or behind existing breast tissue. In either situation, the implants are centred beneath the nipples.

The ultimate goal is to produce beautiful, natural-looking results. A patient can expect her breasts to be lifted and become firmer, fuller, and shapelier for many years to come.

Why Do People Undergo Breast Augmentations?

Women choose to undergo breast augmentations for a variety of reasons including:

  • Increasing the size of naturally small breasts.
  • Improving asymmetry of varying degrees.
  • Restoring fullness to breasts after pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Adding balance to complement a curvaceous figure or after experiencing weight loss.

Whatever the specific motivation, undergoing a breast augmentation can help women boost the confidence they have in themselves and their self-image.

Dr. Sleightholm’s Approach to Breast Augmentations

Dr. Sleightholm specializes in body shaping procedures, including breast augmentations, and takes great pride in working with patients to understand their needs and help them achieve their desired result.

During a consultation with Dr. Sleightholm and a surgical consultant, you can expect to discuss your goals and desired results. It is important to be open and honest about your expectations during your initial meeting, as that will allow Dr. Sleightholm to make relevant, appropriate recommendations and enhance your overall satisfaction.

Be prepared to talk about:

Saline Implants

Breast Implants BramptonSaline breast implants are constructed with a silicone exterior shell and filled with sterile salt water to give them their shape. They can be either round or teardrop-shaped, round implants helping to fill the upper part of the breasts while teardrop implants create a more moderate or natural profile.

Saline implants are typically less expensive than cohesive gel ones, and they offer enhanced flexibility. They are ideal for correcting minor breast asymmetry, as your cosmetic surgeon can inject a little bit more salt water into one implant over the other, and for people who have a very small insertion point. If a petite person wants a larger implant, for example, your cosmetic surgeon can carefully and precisely fold the shell before inserting it, and then fill and expand it once it’s in place.

There are some risks associated with saline implants (rippling, deflation, feeling the movement of the saline, and scar tissue hardening), though they are rare.

Cohesive Gel Implants

These types of implants are made completely of silicone, both the outside shell and the gel inside. They can also be round or teardrop-shaped.

Cohesive gel implants do typically come with a higher price tag, but many patients say that they feel more natural than saline and risks are less likely.

Click here to learn more about saline and silicone breast implants.

At Brampton Cosmetic, we use smooth, round implants to give women a full and proportioned appearance. The primary reason we recommend round implants over tear-drop shaped ones is due to their symmetrical shape, they can move and rotate without issue and are as a result more resilient over the long term.

The projection is an indication of how far the implant projects outwards. Low profile implants tend to have wider bases and more leveled tops, while higher profile implants have narrower bases and raised tops.

Your cosmetic surgeon will work with you to ensure the type of implant and procedure you choose is consistent with both your natural proportions and personal goals.

Breast implants range from 150cc to 800cc and above. Some patients will require a different sized implant for each breast to achieve optimal symmetry, shape, and fullness.

5 Things You Need to Know About a Breast Reduction

When choosing the best size implants, you’ll need to consider:

  • Breast Width: In the majority of cases, an implant that is about the same or slightly narrower than the width of your breast will be the best fit.
  • Tissue Thickness and Skin Laxity: Women who have thicker and more resilient skin will typically be better able to accommodate wider implants, as their skin will better conform to its new shape and will be less prone to stretching or rippling over time.
  • Lifestyle: If you’re an athletic woman, you will want to find breast implants that interfere minimally with how you move.

Ultimately, the best results create harmony and give you natural-looking breasts that suit your body’s frame. Try not to get hung up on precise sizes and measurements. Remember—300cc implants in a patient with small breasts will look very different than they will in a patient with large breasts.

Click here to learn more about choosing the right size implants.

Surgical ProceduresBreast implants can either be sub-glandular (placed over the chest muscle) or sub-muscular (placed under the chest muscle). Sub-glandular implants typically have a more rounded appearance and come with shorter, less painful recovery times. Sub-muscular implants can provide a more natural look, especially for thinner patients.

Your cosmetic surgeon will work with you to assess your needs, explain the options available, and determine the approach that will be best suited for you.

One of the most important and fun sessions you will have will be the one where you get to try out different implant types and sizes. By wearing a bra designed to fit a range of styles and shapes, you will be able to get a sense of how each implant can transform your silhouette.

To get the most out of this appointment, make sure you:

  • Wear a light-coloured, low-cut shirt to accentuate your curves and cleavage.
  • Experiment with different options. Even if you think it might be too big or too small, try it on. Understanding the profiles you don’t want can make it easier to decide how you do want to look.
  • Ask your consultant and cosmetic surgeon for their feedback. They will have a wealth of experience helping women find the right implants, which they can use to help you inform your decision.

Keep in mind that how your breasts look with the implants sitting on the outside won’t be exactly how they look once the implants are inserted, but trying them on will help you get a much better idea of the final results you can expect.

Find out If a Breast Augmentation Will Be Right for You

Schedule a Breast Augmentation Consultation

What You Need to Know Before, During, and After Your Procedure

Before Your Procedure

The first step you’ll need to take will be the consultation with Dr. Sleightholm and his surgical consultant. During your consult, you can expect to discuss things like:

  • Why you’re considering a breast augmentation.
  • What your goals and expectations are.
  • Your medical history, including any medications you’re currently taking.

Your consult also gives you time to learn about and get to know each cosmetic surgeon, clinic, and the staff who will guide you through your breast augmentation journey.

Reflect on things like how comfortable they make you feel, how much experience they have in performing the procedure you’re interested in, and what credentials they can demonstrate.

If you choose to have a breast augmentation at Brampton Cosmetic, we’ll give you some resources you’ll need to read and complete before your surgery:

  • Consent Forms: You need to sign these to confirm you understand the nature of the procedure as well as any risks that might be associated with it.
  • Preoperative Instructions: These will go over a range of topics including how you should prepare in the days leading up to your surgery, any medications you should and shouldn’t take, and more.

If you have any questions or concerns about the procedure itself or any of the documents, be sure to talk about them with your cosmetic surgeon in advance.

During Your Procedure

Your surgery will be performed under general anaesthesia. The specific method typically varies between patients (depending on your individual anatomy and Dr. Sleightholm’s recommendation), but typically Dr. Sleightholm will make an incision at the lower edge of your areola. He will then insert the implant, placing and adjusting it so it’s in the right position. If it’s silicone, it will be pre-filled. Saline implants will be inflated following insertion. Finally, Dr. Sleightholm will close the incision with stitches.

After Your Procedure

The First Few Days

You should expect to spend the first 48 hours after your breast augmentation resting at home and avoiding any sudden or frequent arm movements. When you feel ready, you should start taking short and gentle walks to encourage good circulation. Take pain medication and antibiotics precisely as instructed in order to keep pain under control and reduce risks of infection.

Your cosmetic surgeon will request that you wear a surgical bra to support your breasts as they heal. You will be able to bathe after four days, though keep in mind that you might require assistance as your arm movements will be restricted. You can take your surgical bra off and wash it at this stage, making sure you allow it to air dry completely before putting it back on.

We’ll schedule your follow-up appointment for about a week after your procedure. We’ll use this opportunity to ensure you’re healing well and answer any questions you have.

The First Few Weeks

As you begin to feel better, you can start extending the length of your walks and getting back into other light exercises. You’ll want to avoid workouts that are too strenuous, especially anything that strains your arms or puts tension on your core, for at least six weeks.

Most patients are able to return to work one to two weeks after their breast augmentation procedure.

Dr. Sleightholm will ask that you continue to wear your surgical bra compression garment for 6-8 weeks in order to minimize swelling, keep you more comfortable, and support your breasts as they heal. We will provide you with your first-stage surgical bra compression garment, though you will need to purchase additional bras if necessary.

The First Few Months

Patients are typically able to fully resume their normal day-to-day activities (including more demanding exercises) after six to eight weeks. Remember that, although you will notice some positive changes right away, complete recovery will take up to a year. The key is to be patient with your body as it heals, giving it time to adjust to its new shape, and following your surgeon’s advice in order to achieve the best results.

Surgical ProceduresBreast implants can either be sub-glandular (placed over the chest muscle) or sub-muscular (placed under the chest muscle). Sub-glandular implants typically have a more rounded appearance and come with shorter, less painful recovery times. Sub-muscular implants can provide a more natural look, especially for thinner patients.

Your cosmetic surgeon will work with you to assess your needs, explain the options available, and determine the approach that will be best suited for you.

Surgical Procedures That Can Complement a Breast Augmentation

Breast Lift


Tummy Tuck

A breast lift is a procedure to lift or elevate sagging breasts, resulting in a more youthful breast contour.

Before the procedure, patients typically have large breasts that sag due to age or weight. After the breast lift procedure, patients typically look forward to a fuller contour that is elevated. Your breasts will have a more youthful shape to meet your desired appearance.

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Liposuction permanently removes excess fat in cosmetically important areas to sculpt an improved body contour. Some of the areas commonly targeted include the hips, abdomen, arms, thighs, love handles, spots around the chest, buttocks, neckline, and areas around the chin.

Liposuction is popular for both men and women, especially those who want to eliminate unwanted fat in one or a few key spots.

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A tummy tuck is a cosmetic surgical procedure that removes excess stomach fat and skin while also tightening the mid and lower abdominal muscles to reduce stomach protrusion. This helps patients achieve flatter, firmer midsections and healthier, more youthful appearances.

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Liposuction permanently removes excess fat in cosmetically important areas to sculpt an improved body contour. Some of the areas commonly targeted include the hips, abdomen, arms, thighs, love handles, spots around the chest, buttocks, neckline, and areas around the chin.

Liposuction is popular for both men and women, especially those who want to eliminate unwanted fat in one or a few key spots.

Learn more

Breast Augmentation

A breast augmentation is a procedure to enlarge breasts by one or more cup sizes and enhance their shape. This is done by placing implants underneath the chest wall muscle or behind existing breast tissue. In either situation, the implants are centred beneath the nipples.

The ultimate goal is to produce beautiful, natural-looking results that give patients confidence in their figures for many years to come.

Learn more

Breast Lift

A breast lift is a procedure to lift or elevate sagging breasts, resulting in a more youthful breast contour.

Before the procedure, patients typically have large breasts that sag due to age or weight. After the breast lift procedure, patients typically look forward to a fuller contour that is elevated. Your breasts will have a more youthful shape to meet your desired appearance.

Learn more

Find out If a Breast Augmentation Will Be Right for You

Schedule a Breast Augmentation Consultation

Frequently Asked Questions about Breast Augmentation Surgery

How are breast augmentations done?

The exact details of breast augmentations vary on a patient-by-patient basis. Dr. Sleightholm will review all necessary details relating to your specific procedure with you in advance to ensure your comfort and satisfaction.

Commonly, Dr. Sleightholm will make a small incision just beneath the lower part of the areola. He will then insert an implant under the tissue and underlying muscle. If it’s a silicone implant, it will be pre-filled. If it’s saline, it will be inflated following insertion.

Will a breast augmentation leave a scar?

After the breast augmentation is complete, you will temporarily notice the incision along the lower portion of the areola. By six months, it usually heals to a thin scar that is difficult for even the patient to detect.

Will a breast augmentation hurt?

Patients receive breast implants while under a general anesthesia. You might have some discomfort after the augmentation surgery, but most feel well enough to move around unhindered a few hours after waking up. Most also feel well enough to leave their house within a day or two. Any pain you experience can be easily controlled with pain medication.

Your cosmetic surgeon will ask you to wear a surgical bra for up 6-8 weeks. This will reduce swelling and increase patient comfort.

If you have any questions or concerns as you are healing, please get in touch with us.

Are there alternatives to a breast augmentation?

The most common alternative to a breast augmentation is a breast lift, which elevates your breasts to a higher position. The breast tissue will be lifted to the level of the breast fold, with the excess skin below being tightened and shaped. The procedure might involve an areola lift as well to raise your nipples and reduce their size.

In general, a breast lift is the best choice when:

  • Sagging is moderate or severe.
  • Nipples are positioned downwards, not centred, or are too large.
  • A patient does not want to increase her cup size.

Keep in mind that a breast lift can be performed in conjunction with a breast augmentation and that a breast lift alone will not necessarily make your breasts larger. Instead, a breast lift contours and shapes your breasts—making them appear fuller and firmer. Combining a breast augmentation and a breast lift can help you address excess or loose skin while also increasing the size of your breasts.

Click here to learn more about breast lifts versus breast augmentations.

How long do breast implants last?

The average life expectancy for breast implants is between ten and twenty years, though they can exceed that given the right conditions. They can deteriorate for a range of reasons including:

  • General wear and tear
  • Weight fluctuations
  • Secondary traumas

In deciding between saline or silicone implants, rest assured that each is as reliable as the other. The exterior shells of both types are made of durable silicone, regardless of the substance inside.

Click here to learn more about the life expectancy of breast implants.

Can a breast augmentation remove stretch marks?

No, a breast augmentation does not remove stretch marks.

Do I need to massage my breasts after my surgery?

In most cases no, but sometimes patients will need to massage their breasts after their surgery. You will be provided with full instructions if this applies to you.

Can breast implants give me more cleavage?

Undergoing a breast augmentation will help your breasts look fuller and shapelier, but it will not necessarily increase your cleavage. This is because a woman’s cleavage is determined largely by how her breasts are set (close or wide), and that is something that a breast augmentation is not meant to significantly change.

If increased cleavage is a concern for you, discuss this with Dr. Sleightholm during your consultation. Using a technique called dissection, which involves placing your implant more towards the centre of your chest, Dr. Sleightholm might be able to help bring your breasts more midline.

Though every effort will be made to provide the desired amount of cleavage, the final outcome must ultimately be based on what your body’s own anatomy will allow. If you try to place the implant too far in, its curvature will cause your breast to sit towards the side, leading to your nipples pointing sideways. It’s for this reason that your implants need to be placed largely in line with your natural breast.

How long should I wait after having a baby to get breast implants?

We recommend waiting at least 3-6 months after you are finished breastfeeding before undergoing a breast augmentation, as this gives your breasts time to return to a more natural state.

Can I have a baby and breastfeed after undergoing a breast augmentation?

Undergoing a breast augmentation does not inhibit your ability to have a baby, however becoming pregnant and breastfeeding can negatively impact your results. If you have questions or concerns about future pregnancies, discuss them with your cosmetic surgeon.

Can I treat more than one area during a single session by combining a breast augmentation with other procedures?

Depending on the areas you would like to treat, yes.

Oftentimes, patients combine a breast augmentation with other breast procedures (like a lift), a tummy tuck, and/or liposuction as part of a Mommy Makeover. This type of combination treatment can be an effective way to address a range of issues including stubborn fat deposits, stretch marks, weakened muscles, and sagging breasts.

The types of procedures that breast augmentations cannot be combined with simultaneously are those that target your back or butt. If you are interested in complementing your breast augmentation with something like a Brazilian butt lift, we will work with you to plan your treatments in a way that maximizes your safety, comfort, and long-term success.

Is there a right time of year to undergo a breast augmentation?

Ultimately, the correct answer to this question is based on your own personal preferences. Fall and winter tend to be popular choices, as you’ll be ready to rock your new body in time for beach season. Compression garments can also be warm and easier to hide under thicker clothing. If you’re an avid skier or skater, though, spring or summer might be ideal for you.

Discuss these types of lifestyle factors with your cosmetic surgeon to determine what will make the most sense in your situation.

When do breast implants need to be replaced?

The most common reason a woman chooses to replace her breast implants is, quite simply, she wants to change the size. Whether you want to increase or decrease your size, your cosmetic surgeon can work with you to help you attain your ideal shape.

Though rare, there are a few other issues that can lead to an implant needing to be replaced:

  • Deflation: If your saline implant deflates, you will notice it relatively quickly (1-2 days after it happens) since one breast will be smaller than the other.
  • Rupture: A ruptured silicone implant is more difficult to detect, as the gel typically stays in the same area and maintains its volume. The first symptom you’ll likely detect is the hardening or thickening of the surrounding tissue, though you will need an MRI to confirm that this has happened.
  • Capsular Contracture: This happens when scar tissue forms around breast implants, causing discomfort, distortion, and the hardening of the scar tissue.

Remember that breast implants are not lifetime devices. They typically last upwards of ten years, though they can exceed twenty under the right conditions. Click here to learn more about the life expectancy of breast implants.

How do I choose the right surgical bra after my breast augmentation?

We give each patient a first-stage surgical bra. Patients are welcome to purchase second-stage surgical garments if they would like.

Keep in mind that there is a significant difference between the surgical bras available for purchase in stores and the medical-grade garments we offer. The garments we supply our patients with are sturdy, washable, and designed with clasps, zippers, and seams in places that minimize discomfort and protect breast support and shape.

What are the risks associated with breast augmentations?

There are certain risks associated with the procedure. Thankfully, they are rare and you can contact Dr. Sleightholm to discuss any concerns.

Breast augmentation risks may include:

  • Capsular Contraction: This is not a health risk. However, it may result in discomfort and breast shape distortion. The risk occurs when the cavity that holds the implant shrinks.
  • Hematomas: Some bleeding may occur inside the pocket that contains the breast implant. The body usually absorbs the blood. In rare and extreme cases, a surgical procedure removes the blood.
  • Infection: Infections are uncommon. Usually, they are mild and gradually disappear on their own. Should a serious infection develop, a surgeon will remove the breast implants and replace them after three months of healing time.
Will I have to take time off work or my daily routine following a breast augmentation?

During the first 48 hours after breast augmentation, patients are restricted to rest at home without sudden or frequent arm movements. When a patient feels ready, she can resume light activities. Brampton Cosmetic recommends patients take one week off of work after their surgery, most returning within a week or two. She can resume strenuous activities about 6-8 weeks after her enhancements.

There may be mild swelling, discomfort, or discolouration of the breasts and surrounding area. Your surgeon will recommend you wear a surgical bra for added comfort and support.

How long do I have to wait to exercise after my breast augmentation?

We typically encourage patients to begin taking light walks when they feel ready to encourage circulation and healing. You will need to wait six to eight weeks, however, before resuming more intensive exercise and workout regimens.

When will I be able to drive after my breast augmentation?

The rule of thumb is that a patient can drive as long as she is not taking pain medications is completely comfortable.

How will having a breast augmentation affect my ability to fly?

You should not fly within the first two weeks of your breast augmentation procedure due to the increased risk of blood clots (deep vein thrombosis or DVT) in your legs. If you need to travel within the few months after your surgery, we recommend taking the necessary precautions (wearing compression stockings and getting up to walk around throughout the flight).

If you have any concerns or are thinking about taking a trip, make sure you discuss them with your cosmetic surgeon. They will be able to provide individual advice based on the type of procedure you will undergo (how long it will be, the type of anaesthesia used, etc.).


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